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Property Specification
Data System MDS
Data Specs V1.15.0
Edit Type Consistency
Severity Fatal
Edit Text D0300 must equal the sum of the values of the following nine items: D0200A2, D0200B2, D0200C2, D0200D2, D0200E2, D0200F2, D0200G2, D0200H2, D0200I2. These are referred to as the "items in Column 2", below.

The following rules describe the computation of the sum that is placed in D0300. Note that these rules apply only if D0100=[1]. If D0100=[0,-,^], then Edit -3703 applies instead. These rules consider the "number of missing items in Column 2" which is the number of items in Column 2 that are equal to [-] or that are skipped and are therefore equal to [^].

a) If all of the items in Column 2 have valid values [0,1,2,3], then D0300 must equal the simple sum of those values.

b) If any of the items in Column 2 are equal to [-,^], then count their values as zero in computing the sum.

c) If the number of missing items in Column 2 (as defined above) is equal to one, then compute the simple sum of the eight items in Column 2 that have valid values, multiply the sum by 9/8 (1.125), and place the result rounded to the nearest integer in D0300 (see edit -9013 for rounding rules).

d) If the number of missing items in Column 2 (as defined above) is equal to two, then compute the simple sum of the seven items in Column 2 that have valid values, multiply the sum by 9/7 (1.286), and place the result rounded to the nearest integer in D0300 (see edit -9013 for rounding rules).

e) If the number of missing items in Column 2 (as defined above) is equal to three or more and at least one of the items in Column 2 is not equal to [-], then D0300 must equal [99].

f) If all of the items in Column 2 are equal to [-], then D0300 must equal [-].

The MDS Submission System will recalculate the value in D0300. If the recalculated value differs from the submitted value, a fatal error message will be issued and the record will be rejected.
Version Notes

Item List
Item ID Description
D0100 PHQ: should resident mood interview be conducted
D0200A2 PHQ res: little interest or pleasure - frequency
D0200B2 PHQ res: feeling down, depressed - frequency
D0200C2 PHQ res: trouble with sleep - frequency
D0200D2 PHQ res: feeling tired/little energy - frequency
D0200E2 PHQ res: poor appetite or overeating - frequency
D0200F2 PHQ res: feeling bad about self - frequency
D0200G2 PHQ res: trouble concentrating - frequency
D0200H2 PHQ res: slow, fidgety, restless - frequency
D0200I2 PHQ res: thoughts better off dead - frequency
D0300 PHQ res: total mood severity score

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Generated: 03/11/2015 04:34:37 PM