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Property Specification
Data System MDS
Data Specs V1.15.0
Edit Type Consistency
Severity Fatal
Edit Text Coding of A0410 depends upon the resident's status on the target date for the assessment. The target date is defined as follows:

a) If A0310F is equal to [01], then the target date is equal to A1600 (entry date).
b) If A0310F is equal to [10,11,12], then the target date is equal to A2000 (discharge date).
c) If A0310F is equal to [99], then the target date is equal to A2300 (assessment reference date)..

Given the target date, the following rules apply:

a) If the resident is on a Medicare/Medicaid certified unit on the target date for the assessment, then A0410 must be equal to [3] (federal required submission).

b) If the resident is on a unit that is not Medicare/Medicaid certified on the target date and if the State requires MDS submission for individuals on the resident's unit, then A0410 must be equal to [2] (state but not federal required submission).

c) If the facility is completing the assessment for another purpose (other than to satisfy Federal or State requirements), then A0410 must be equal to [1] (neither federal nor state required submission).

If A0410 is equal to [2,3], then the assessment MUST be submitted to the MDS Submission System. If A0410 is equal to [1], then the assessment MUST NOT be submitted to the MDS Submission System.

NOTE: It is a violation of a resident's right to privacy to submit data to CMS's data systems when the data are not required.
Version Notes

Item List
Item ID Description
A0310F Entry/discharge reporting
A0410 Submission requirement
A1600 Entry date (date of admission/reentry in facility)
A2000 Discharge date
A2300 Assessment reference date

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Generated: 03/11/2015 04:34:37 PM