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Property Specification
Data System MDS
Data Specs V1.15.0
Edit Type Format
Severity Fatal
Edit Text Formatting of Numeric Items with Tenths Decimal Values:
Only integer values, values with tenths decimals, and the special values (if any) that are listed in the "Item Values" table of the Detailed Data Specifications Report will be accepted for this item. Leading and trailing zeroes may be included or omitted from the submitted value as long as the resulting length of the string does not exceed the allowed maximum length for the item. A decimal point and tenth value may be included; however the fractional portion beyond the tenths decimal place must not be included.

The following examples are allowable if the value to be submitted is equal to [1.2] and the maximum length is equal to 4: [1.2], [01.2]. The following values are NOT allowed and will lead to a fatal error: [1.21], [1.20].

The following examples are allowable if the value to be submitted is an integer equal to [1] and the maximum length is equal to 4: [1], [01], [1.], [01.], [1.0], [01.0]. The following values are NOT allowed and will lead to a fatal error: [1.00], [01.00].
Version Notes

Item List
Item ID Description
M0610A Stage 3 or 4 pressure ulcer longest length
M0610B Stage 3 or 4 pressure ulcer width (same ulcer)
M0610C Stage 3 or 4 pressure ulcer depth (same ulcer)

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Generated: 03/11/2015 04:34:37 PM