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Property Specification
Data System MDS
Data Specs V1.15.0
Edit Type Consistency
Severity Fatal
Edit Text The following sub-edits are based upon the values of items K0510A1, K0510A2, K0510B1, and K0510B2. These will be referred to as the "feeding items" below.
a) If one or more of the four feeding items is equal to [1], then K0710A3 and K0710B3 must not equal [^].
b) If all four of the feeding items are equal to [0,^], then K0710A3 and K0710B3 must be equal to [^].
c) If at least one of the four feeding items is equal to [-] and the remaining feeding items are equal to [0,-,^], then K0710A3 and K0710B3 must be equal to [-].
Version Notes

Item List
Item ID Description
K0510A1 Nutrition approach: Not Res: parenteral/IV feeding
K0510A2 Nutrition approach: Res: parenteral /IV feeding
K0510B1 Nutrition approach: Not Res: feeding tube
K0510B2 Nutrition approach: Res: feeding tube
K0710A3 Prop calories parenteral/tube feed: 7 days
K0710B3 Avg fluid intake per day IV/tube: 7 days

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Generated: 03/11/2015 04:34:37 PM