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Property Specification
Data System MDS
Data Specs V2.00.1
Edit Type Skip pattern
Severity Fatal
Edit Text a) If E0300=[0,^], then all active items from E0500A through E0600C must equal [^].
b) If E0300=[1], then all active items from E0500A through E0600C must not equal [^].
c) If E0300=[-], then all active items from E0500A through E0600C must equal [-].
Version Notes

Item List
Item ID Description
E0300 Overall presence of behavioral symptoms
E0500A Behav symptoms put res at risk for illness/injury
E0500B Behav symptoms interfere with resident care
E0500C Behav symptoms interfere with social activities
E0600A Behav symptoms put others at risk for injury
E0600B Behav symptoms intrude on privacy of others
E0600C Behav symptoms disrupt care or living environment

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Generated: 08/31/2016 09:05:46 AM