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Property Specification
Data System MDS
Data Specs V2.00.1
Edit Type Consistency
Severity Fatal
Edit Text Skip pattern for O0400A3A, O0400A4, O0400A5, and O0400A6.

Compute the sum of minutes in O0400A1, O0400A2, and O0400A3. When computing this sum, if any of these items is coded with [-], count the number of minutes for that item as zero. The following rules apply based upon the computed sum:

a) If the sum is equal to zero and at least one of the items O0400A1, O0400A2, and O0400A3 is not equal to [-], then O0400A3A and O0400A4 must equal [^].
b) If the sum is greater than zero, then O0400A3A, O0400A4, O0400A5, and O0400A6 must not equal [^].
c) If O0400A1, O0400A2, and O0400A3 are all equal to [-], then O0400A3A, O0400A4, O0400A5, and O0400A6 must equal [-].
Version Notes

Item List
Item ID Description
O0400A1 Speech-language/audiology: individ minutes
O0400A2 Speech-language/audiology: concur minutes
O0400A3 Speech-language/audiology: group minutes
O0400A3A Speech-language/audiology: co-treatment minutes
O0400A4 Speech-language/audiology: number of days
O0400A5 Speech-language/audiology: start date
O0400A6 Speech-language/audiology: end date

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NOTICE: These materials are in the public domain and cannot be copyrighted.
Generated: 08/31/2016 09:05:46 AM