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Property Specification
Data System MDS
Data Specs V2.00.1
Edit Type Skip pattern
Severity Fatal
Edit Text If B0100=[1], then all active items from B0200 through F0800Z must equal [^].
Version Notes [V2.00.0]-Removed mappings to deleted items C1300A, C1300B, C1300C, C1300D, and C1600. Added mappings to new items C1310A, C1310B, C1310C and C1310D.

Item List
Item ID Description
B0100 Comatose
B0200 Hearing
B0300 Hearing aid
B0600 Speech clarity
B0700 Makes self understood
B0800 Ability to understand others
B1000 Vision
B1200 Corrective lenses
C0100 BIMS: should resident interview be conducted
C0200 BIMS res interview: repetition of three words
C0300A BIMS res interview: able to report correct year
C0300B BIMS res interview: able to report correct month
C0300C BIMS res interview: can report correct day of week
C0400A BIMS res interview: able to recall "sock"
C0400B BIMS res interview: able to recall "blue"
C0400C BIMS res interview: able to recall "bed"
C0500 BIMS res interview: summary score
C0600 Staff asmt mental status: conduct asmt
C0700 Staff asmt mental status: short-term memory OK
C0800 Staff asmt mental status: long-term memory OK
C0900A Staff asmt mental status: recall current season
C0900B Staff asmt mental status: recall location of room
C0900C Staff asmt mental status: recall staff names/faces
C0900D Staff asmt mental status: recall in nh/hosp sw bed
C0900Z Staff asmt mental status: none of above recalled
C1000 Cognitive skills for daily decision making
C1310A Acute Onset Mental Status Change
C1310B Inattention
C1310C Disorganized thinking
C1310D Altered level of consciousness
D0100 PHQ: should resident mood interview be conducted
D0200A1 PHQ res: little interest or pleasure - presence
D0200A2 PHQ res: little interest or pleasure - frequency
D0200B1 PHQ res: feeling down, depressed - presence
D0200B2 PHQ res: feeling down, depressed - frequency
D0200C1 PHQ res: trouble with sleep - presence
D0200C2 PHQ res: trouble with sleep - frequency
D0200D1 PHQ res: feeling tired/little energy - presence
D0200D2 PHQ res: feeling tired/little energy - frequency
D0200E1 PHQ res: poor appetite or overeating - presence
D0200E2 PHQ res: poor appetite or overeating - frequency
D0200F1 PHQ res: feeling bad about self - presence
D0200F2 PHQ res: feeling bad about self - frequency
D0200G1 PHQ res: trouble concentrating - presence
D0200G2 PHQ res: trouble concentrating - frequency
D0200H1 PHQ res: slow, fidgety, restless - presence
D0200H2 PHQ res: slow, fidgety, restless - frequency
D0200I1 PHQ res: thoughts better off dead - presence
D0200I2 PHQ res: thoughts better off dead - frequency
D0300 PHQ res: total mood severity score
D0350 PHQ res: safety notification
D0500A1 PHQ staff: little interest or pleasure - presence
D0500A2 PHQ staff: little interest or pleasure - frequency
D0500B1 PHQ staff: feeling down, depressed - presence
D0500B2 PHQ staff: feeling down, depressed - frequency
D0500C1 PHQ staff: trouble with sleep - presence
D0500C2 PHQ staff: trouble with sleep - frequency
D0500D1 PHQ staff: feeling tired/little energy - presence
D0500D2 PHQ staff: feeling tired/little energy - frequency
D0500E1 PHQ staff: poor appetite or overeating - presence
D0500E2 PHQ staff: poor appetite or overeating - frequency
D0500F1 PHQ staff: feeling bad about self - presence
D0500F2 PHQ staff: feeling bad about self - frequency
D0500G1 PHQ staff: trouble concentrating - presence
D0500G2 PHQ staff: trouble concentrating - frequency
D0500H1 PHQ staff: slow, fidgety, restless - presence
D0500H2 PHQ staff: slow, fidgety, restless - frequency
D0500I1 PHQ staff: thoughts better off dead - presence
D0500I2 PHQ staff: thoughts better off dead - frequency
D0500J1 PHQ staff: short-tempered - presence
D0500J2 PHQ staff: short-tempered - frequency
D0600 PHQ staff: total mood score
D0650 PHQ staff: safety notification
E0100A Psychosis: hallucinations
E0100B Psychosis: delusions
E0100Z Psychosis: none of the above
E0200A Physical behav symptoms directed toward others
E0200B Verbal behav symptoms directed toward others
E0200C Other behav symptoms not directed toward others
E0300 Overall presence of behavioral symptoms
E0500A Behav symptoms put res at risk for illness/injury
E0500B Behav symptoms interfere with resident care
E0500C Behav symptoms interfere with social activities
E0600A Behav symptoms put others at risk for injury
E0600B Behav symptoms intrude on privacy of others
E0600C Behav symptoms disrupt care or living environment
E0800 Rejection of care: presence and frequency
E0900 Wandering: presence and frequency
E1000A Wandering: risk of getting to dangerous place
E1000B Wandering: intrude on privacy of others
E1100 Change in behavioral or other symptoms
F0300 Conduct res interview for daily/activity prefs
F0400A Res interview: choose clothes to wear
F0400B Res interview: take care of personal belongings
F0400C Res interview: choose tub, bath, shower, sponge
F0400D Res interview: have snacks between meals
F0400E Res interview: choose own bedtime
F0400F Res interview: discuss care with family/friend
F0400G Res interview: use phone in private
F0400H Res interview: lock things to keep them safe
F0500A Res interview: have books, newspaper, mags to read
F0500B Res interview: listen to music
F0500C Res interview: be around animals/pets
F0500D Res interview: keep up with news
F0500E Res interview: do things with groups of people
F0500F Res interview: do favorite activities
F0500G Res interview: go outside when good weather
F0500H Res interview: participate in religious practices
F0600 Primary respondent: daily/activities prefs
F0700 Conduct staff assessment for daily/activity prefs
F0800A Staff assessment: choosing clothes to wear
F0800B Staff assessment: caring for personal belongings
F0800C Staff assessment: receiving tub bath
F0800D Staff assessment: receiving shower
F0800E Staff assessment: receiving bed bath
F0800F Staff assessment: receiving sponge bath
F0800G Staff assessment: snacks between meals
F0800H Staff assessment: staying up past 8PM
F0800I Staff assessment: discuss care with family/other
F0800J Staff assessment: use phone in private
F0800K Staff assessment: place to lock personal things
F0800L Staff assessment: reading books, newspapers, mags
F0800M Staff assessment: listening to music
F0800N Staff assessment: being around animals/pets
F0800O Staff assessment: keeping up with news
F0800P Staff assessment: doing things with groups
F0800Q Staff assessment: participate favorite activities
F0800R Staff assessment: spend time away from nursng home
F0800S Staff assessment: spend time outdoors
F0800T Staff assessment: participate religious activities
F0800Z Staff assessment: none of above activities

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Generated: 08/31/2016 09:05:46 AM