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Property Specification
Data System MDS
Data Specs V2.00.1
Edit Type Format
Severity Fatal
Edit Text Formatting of Birthdate:
This item must contain either (a) a valid date in YYYYMMDD, YYYYMM, or YYYY format, or (b) one of the special values (if any) that are listed in the "Item Values" table of the Detailed Data Specifications Report.

Note that if a date in YYYYMMDD format is submitted, it must be 8 characters in length and each of the 8 characters must contain the digits 0 (zero) through 9. YYYY, MM, and DD must be zero filled, where necessary. For example, January 1, 1909 must be submitted as "19090101".

If a date is submitted in YYYYMM format, it must be 6 characters in length and each of the 6 characters must contain the digits 0 (zero) through 9. YYYY and MM must be zero filled, where necessary. For example, January, 1909 must be submitted as "190901".

If a date is submitted in YYYY format, it must be 4 characters in length and each of the 4 characters must contain the digits 0 (zero) through 9. YYYY must be zero filled, where necessary. For example, 1909 must be submitted as "1909".
Version Notes

Item List
Item ID Description
A0900 Birthdate
X0400 Correction: resident birth date

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Generated: 08/31/2016 09:05:46 AM