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Property Specification
Data System MDS
Data Specs V2.00.1
Edit Type Format
Severity Fatal
Edit Text Formatting of Integer Numeric Items:
Only integer values and the special values (if any) that are listed in the "Item Values" table of the Detailed Data Specifications Report will be accepted for this item. Leading zeroes may be included or omitted from the submitted value as long as the resulting length of the string does not exceed the allowed maximum length for the item. A decimal point and decimal values may not be included.

The following examples are allowable if the value to be submitted is equal to [1] and the maximum length is equal to 2: [1], [01]. The following values are NOT allowed and will lead to a fatal error: [1.], [1.0], [01.], [01.0], [1.1], [01.1], [1.01].
Version Notes

Item List
Item ID Description
C0500 BIMS res interview: summary score
D0300 PHQ res: total mood severity score
D0600 PHQ staff: total mood score
J0600A Res pain interview: intensity rating scale
K0200A Height (in inches)
K0200B Weight (in pounds)
M0300A Stage 1 pressure ulcers: number present
M0300B1 Stage 2 pressure ulcers: number present
M0300B2 Stage 2 pressure ulcers: number at admit/reentry
M0300C1 Stage 3 pressure ulcers: number present
M0300C2 Stage 3 pressure ulcers: number at admit/reentry
M0300D1 Stage 4 pressure ulcers: number present
M0300D2 Stage 4 pressure ulcers: number at admit/reentry
M0300E1 Unstaged due to dressing: number present
M0300E2 Unstaged due to dressing: number at admit/reentry
M0300F1 Unstaged slough/eschar: number present
M0300F2 Unstaged slough/eschar: number at admit/reentry
M0300G1 Unstageable - deep tissue injury: # present
M0300G2 Unstageable - deep tissue injury: # at adm/reent
M0800A Worsened since prior asmt: Stage 2 pressure ulcers
M0800B Worsened since prior asmt: Stage 3 pressure ulcers
M0800C Worsened since prior asmt: Stage 4 pressure ulcers
M0900B Healed pressure ulcers: Stage 2
M0900C Healed pressure ulcers: Stage 3
M0900D Healed pressure ulcers: Stage 4
M1030 Number of venous and arterial ulcers
N0300 Number of days injectable medications received
N0350A Insulin: insulin injections
N0350B Insulin: orders for insulin
N0410A Medication received: Days: antipsychotic
N0410B Medication received: Days: antianxiety
N0410C Medication received: Days: antidepressant
N0410D Medication received: Days: hypnotic
N0410E Medication received: Days: anticoagulant
N0410F Medication received: Days: antibiotic
N0410G Medication received: Days: diuretic
O0400A1 Speech-language/audiology: individ minutes
O0400A2 Speech-language/audiology: concur minutes
O0400A3 Speech-language/audiology: group minutes
O0400A3A Speech-language/audiology: co-treatment minutes
O0400A4 Speech-language/audiology: number of days
O0400B1 Occupational therapy: individ minutes
O0400B2 Occupational therapy: concur minutes
O0400B3 Occupational therapy: group minutes
O0400B3A Occupational therapy: co-treatment minutes
O0400B4 Occupational therapy: number of days
O0400C1 Physical therapy: individ minutes
O0400C2 Physical therapy: concur minutes
O0400C3 Physical therapy: group minutes
O0400C3A Physical therapy: co-treatment minutes
O0400C4 Physical therapy: number of days
O0400D1 Respiratory therapy: number of minutes
O0400D2 Respiratory therapy: number of days
O0400E1 Psychological therapy: number of minutes
O0400E2 Psychological therapy: number of days
O0400F1 Recreational therapy: number of minutes
O0400F2 Recreational therapy: number of days
O0420 Distinct calendar days of therapy
O0500A Range of motion (passive): number of days
O0500B Range of motion (active): number of days
O0500C Splint or brace assistance: number of days
O0500D Bed mobility training: number of days
O0500E Transfer training: number of days
O0500F Walking training: number of days
O0500G Dressing and/or grooming training: number of days
O0500H Eating and/or swallowing training: number of days
O0500I Amputation/prosthesis training: number of days
O0500J Communication training: number of days
O0600 Physician examinations: number of days
O0700 Physician orders: number of days
V0100D Prior assessment BIMS summary score
V0100E Prior asmt PHQ res: total mood severity score
V0100F Prior asmt PHQ staff: total mood score
X0800 Correction: correction number

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Generated: 08/31/2016 09:05:46 AM