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Property Specification
Data System MDS
Data Specs V2.00.1
Edit Type Format
Severity Fatal
Edit Text Formatting of Alphanumeric Text Items That Can Contain Dashes, Spaces, and Special Characters:
If this item is not equal to one of the special values (if any) that are listed in the Item Values table of the Detailed Data Specifications Report, then it must contain a text string. This text string may contain only the following characters:
a) The numeric characters: [0] through [9].
b) The letters [A] through [Z] and [a] through [z].
c) The character [-].
d) The following special characters:
[@] (at sign)
['] (single quote)
[/] (forward slash)
[+] (plus sign)
[,] (comma)
[.] (period)
[_] (underscore)
e) Embedded spaces (spaces surrounded by any of the characters listed above). For example, [LEGAL TEXT] would be allowed.
Version Notes

Item List
Item ID Description
SFTWR_PROD_VRSN_CD Software product version code
FAC_DOC_ID Facility document ID
A0500A Resident first name
A0500C Resident last name
A0500D Resident name suffix
A1100B Preferred language
A1300A Medical record number
A1300B Room number
A1300C Name by which resident prefers to be addressed
A1300D Lifetime occupation(s)
X0200A Correction: resident first name
X0200C Correction: resident last name
X1100A Correction: attestor first name
X1100B Correction: attestor last name

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NOTICE: These materials are in the public domain and cannot be copyrighted.
Generated: 08/31/2016 09:05:46 AM