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Property Specification
Data System MDS
Data Specs V2.00.1
Edit Type Skip pattern
Severity Fatal
Edit Text a) If D0300=[00-27], then all active items from D0500A1 through D0600 must equal [^].
b) If D0300=[99,-], then all active items from D0500A1 through D0600 must not equal [^].
Version Notes

Item List
Item ID Description
D0300 PHQ res: total mood severity score
D0500A1 PHQ staff: little interest or pleasure - presence
D0500A2 PHQ staff: little interest or pleasure - frequency
D0500B1 PHQ staff: feeling down, depressed - presence
D0500B2 PHQ staff: feeling down, depressed - frequency
D0500C1 PHQ staff: trouble with sleep - presence
D0500C2 PHQ staff: trouble with sleep - frequency
D0500D1 PHQ staff: feeling tired/little energy - presence
D0500D2 PHQ staff: feeling tired/little energy - frequency
D0500E1 PHQ staff: poor appetite or overeating - presence
D0500E2 PHQ staff: poor appetite or overeating - frequency
D0500F1 PHQ staff: feeling bad about self - presence
D0500F2 PHQ staff: feeling bad about self - frequency
D0500G1 PHQ staff: trouble concentrating - presence
D0500G2 PHQ staff: trouble concentrating - frequency
D0500H1 PHQ staff: slow, fidgety, restless - presence
D0500H2 PHQ staff: slow, fidgety, restless - frequency
D0500I1 PHQ staff: thoughts better off dead - presence
D0500I2 PHQ staff: thoughts better off dead - frequency
D0500J1 PHQ staff: short-tempered - presence
D0500J2 PHQ staff: short-tempered - frequency
D0600 PHQ staff: total mood score

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Generated: 08/31/2016 09:05:46 AM