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Property Specification
Data System MDS
Data Specs V2.00.1
Edit Type Consistency
Severity Fatal
Edit Text The first record that is submitted to correct or inactivate an existing record must have a value of "01" in X0800 (correction number). If that correction/inactivation is accepted and if a subsequent correction/inactivation is required, it must have a value of "02", and so on. In other words, the correction number in X0800 on the first correction/inactivation must be "01", and the value on each subsequent correction/inactivation must be incremented by 1. If the value submitted in X0800 is incorrect, a fatal error will result and the submitted record will be rejected.
Version Notes

Item List
Item ID Description
X0800 Correction: correction number

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Generated: 08/31/2016 09:05:46 AM