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Property Specification
Data System MDS
Data Specs V2.00.1
Edit Type Consistency
Severity Fatal
Edit Text If B0100=[0,-] and A0310G=[2] and A0310A=[99] and A0310B=[99], then all active items from J0200 through J0850 must equal [^].
Version Notes

Item List
Item ID Description
A0310A Type of assessment: OBRA
A0310B Type of assessment: PPS
A0310G Planned/unplanned discharge
B0100 Comatose
J0200 Should pain assessment interview be conducted
J0300 Res pain interview: presence
J0400 Res pain interview: frequency
J0500A Res pain interview: made it hard to sleep
J0500B Res pain interview: limited daily activities
J0600A Res pain interview: intensity rating scale
J0600B Res pain interview: verbal descriptor scale
J0700 Should staff assessment for pain be conducted
J0800A Staff pain asmt: non-verbal sounds
J0800B Staff pain asmt: vocal complaints of pain
J0800C Staff pain asmt: facial expressions
J0800D Staff pain asmt: protective movements/postures
J0800Z Staff pain asmt: none of these signs observed
J0850 Staff pain asmt: frequency of pain

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Generated: 08/31/2016 09:05:46 AM