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Property Specification
Data System MDS
Data Specs V2.00.1
Edit Type Consistency
Severity Fatal
Edit Text a) If GG0170H3=[0], then GG0170J3 and GG0170K3 must be equal to [^].

b) If GG0170H3=[2], then GG0170J3 and GG0170K3 must not be equal to [^].
Version Notes [V2.00.0]-New edit.

Item List
Item ID Description
GG0170H3 Does the resident walk? (Dschg Perf)
GG0170J3 Walk 50 feet with two turns (Dschg Perf)
GG0170K3 Walk 150 feet (Dschg Perf)

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NOTICE: These materials are in the public domain and cannot be copyrighted.
Generated: 08/31/2016 09:05:46 AM