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Property Specification
Data System MDS
Data Specs V2.00.1
Edit Type Consistency
Severity Fatal
Edit Text Date restrictions when combining SNF PPS Part A Discharge assessments with other assessment types:

(a) If A0200=[1] and (A0310A=[01,02,03,04,05,06] or A0310B=[01,02,03,04,05]) and A0310F=[99] and A0310H=[1], then A2300 must be equal to A2400C.

(b) If A0200=[2] and A0310B=[01,02,03,04,05] and A0310F=[99] and A0310H=[1], then A2300 must be equal to A2400C.

(c) If A0310F=[10,11] and A0310H=[1], then ((A2400C = A2000) OR (A2000 - A2400C = 1)).
Version Notes [V2.00.0]-New edit.
[V2.00.1]-Revised text of subedit (c), per issue 12 of the errata for V2.00.0.

Item List
Item ID Description
A0200 Type of provider
A0310A Type of assessment: OBRA
A0310B Type of assessment: PPS
A0310F Entry/discharge reporting
A0310H SNF PPS Part A Discharge (End of Stay) Assessment
A2000 Discharge date
A2300 Assessment reference date
A2400C End date of most recent Medicare stay

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Generated: 08/31/2016 09:05:46 AM