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Property Specification
Data System MDS
Data Specs V2.00.1
Description Prior OBRA reason for assessment
Group Asmt
Type Code
Length 2
Fixed Start-End 1142-1143
Version Notes

Item Subsets
Active NC
State optional NQ,NP

Item Values
Value LOINC Text
01 Admission assessment (required by day 14)
02 Quarterly review assessment
03 Annual assessment
04 Significant change in status assessment
05 Significant correction to prior comprehensive assessment
06 Significant correction to prior quarterly assessment
99 None of the above
^ Blank (skip pattern)

Item Edits
Edit ID Type Severity Edit Text
-3676 Format Fatal Values of Code and Checklist Items:
Only the coded values listed in the "Item Values" table of the Detailed Data Specifications Report may be submitted for this item.
-3782 Consistency Fatal V0100A and V0100B cannot both be equal to [99].
-3744 Consistency Fatal If A0310E=[1], then all active items from V0100A through V0100F must equal [^].

Supplemental Information
Edit ID Type Severity Edit Text
-9015 Information Fatal Items V0100A through V0100C are used to identify a prior OBRA or PPS assessment if one has been performed since the resident's most recent entry. If such an assessment exists, the values in V0100D, V0100E, and V0100F are used in the triggering logic for CAAs that depend upon values from a prior assessment.
-9016 Information None V0100A through V0100F should be completed only if there is a prior assessment (if A0310E=[0]) and if the following is true for the most recent prior assessment: A0310A is equal to [01,02,03,04,05,06] OR A0310B is equal to [01,02,03,04,05,06].

The purpose of V0100D through V0100F is to supply previous score values that are used for calculating some of the CATs. The purpose of V0100A through V0100C is to document the prior assessment that contained those values.

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Generated: 08/31/2016 09:05:46 AM